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Cinema 4D Working Files
Abstract Gold
Abstract Gold
Explore the working files for the abstract animation 'Touch of Midas'.
Fractured Glass
Fractured Glass
Create beautiful renders of colorful fractured glass with this cinema 4D working file.
Candy Cave
Candy Cave
The Candy Cave is a bright colorful cave like system created in Cinema 4D and Redshift.
Bubble Pop
Bubble Pop
Bubble Pop a visually vibrant trendy scene created in Cinema 4D.The scene file uses Cinema 4D dynamics to drive the animation
Cyber Sports Shoe
Cyber Sports Shoe
Design a sports shoes into the cyberverse with this Cinema 4D scene file.
Dive into a digital landscape of glowing geometric terrain. Perfect to create FUI and visuals associated with STEM
The Big Bang
The Big Bang
The Big Bang is a particle system that create beautiful rich visuals.
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